Celine Cuypers (BEL), 16 years old, smashes Dyno World Record by 17.5 cm setting the new record at 2 m 37.5 cm on 27 September 2015 at the IFSC Lead Climbing World Cup Puurs, Belgium. The previous record dates from 2012 held by the Canadian Elise Sethna. Validated by IFSC Delegate Vincent Caussé, IFSC Jury President Jérôme Chapelle and IFSC Judge Lieven Vlassenroot and an audience of nearly 2000. Footage: Koen Verschraegen. Presentation: Wim Verhoeven.

Sunday Morning
Today, the lead climbing world cup in Puurs started even colder than yesterday and my fingers froze almost completely when I had to dry the seats with a wet cloth. Just as yesterday, I prepared some sandwiches and helped set up the 2nd hand market. Then I had a shift to work. It was my task to belay at the climbing tower, which consisted of a ladder and a rope to climb on. This was the worst job ever. It was so boring and I didn’t see anything of the semi-finals. I only saw Anak top it. Next time, I will compete so that I don’t have to do this shift again. Finally my shift was over and I was free. The semis were over and I wished Anak a good rest. I played around somewhat with the Swedish team and we made our own little competions crate stacking and reaching the end of the bouncy castle first.

Dyno Jump
Nils succeeded in convincing me to register for the dyno and I also convinced my friend Katrin Amann from Sweden. The dyno was our next little competition. The jug was screwed at the starting point of 1 meter 60. The first few jumps were easy for everyone, so I tried out all different foot positions: straight, right foot above left foot, left foot above right foot and crossed. Then it became more difficult. We were not so many people in the girl category. Alina Ring and Andrea Kümin from Switzerland lasted the longest, making it very exciting. My fellow club member Elfe Claes missed the podium, Katrin became fifth. Mathilde Becerra from France and another Belgian girl fell off the first. For me it was okay. After jumping a lot of times, Alina, Andrea and I were the only ones left and they both already had some nice flappers. Then after some more jumps, Andrea called it quits because her flappers were too painful. Alina couldn’t grab the jug anymore and I continued on my own. Nicky Horak, the Swedish coach said my technique was the worst ever and I must thank him for all the tips he gave me and for coaching me all the way through.

New World Record at 2 m 37,5 cm
Then after a while, speaker Wim Verhoeven announced that I was very closely approaching the world record of 2 meters 20. This record dated from 2012 and was jumped by Elise Sethna, the Canadian bouldering champion of 2013 and 2014. Wim called for someone to film it, a judge to check the position of the holds and the inclination of the wall and the jury president as prove. Then I launched for the world record. It was really weird because after a few more launches breaking the world record 7 times in steps of 2,5 cm, Wim shouted through the microphone that I had completely smashed the world record by 17,5 cm. I eventually grabbed the jug in the 5th and last attempt, setting the bar at 2 m 37,5 cm. I felt I was in my flow. Helped by the encouragements of the crowd and the rhythm of jumping, resting a few minutes and jumping again, I was able to stay in my flow. This rhythm was interrupted by the boys who had to start jumping to stay on schedule and this took me out of my flow. I gave the slack-line I won to a friend who was very happy with it.

No flappers, only a few bruises
The Finals
Although the sun was shining brightly, a dry wind from the north made me freeze. I had no more time to go and get my coat out of the car because the finals had started and I didn’t want to miss a single second of it, so my brother Alan gave me his jacket. The final routes for the men and the women were very nice, but since I had already tried out the women’s route, I knew it became very hard at the end. Although Anak was sick and had a little bit of trouble warming up due to the cold, she still did a very good job. Mina and Jain were the better ones in this round, both sending the route. Anak fell at that very hard last part and came out 3rd. We’re all so very proud of her.

Jérôme Vervier: “This is the kind of picture that gives me the reason why I’m taking pictures. Proficiat voor uw weekend (Anak voor haar resultaat en Celine voor het werk en de dyno challenge.) Uw mentaliteit en gedrag zijn exemplarisch :-). Ik hoop op een dag foto’s van u te kunnen nemen op de rotsen. Voor mij is dit dé foto van mijn fotoweekend, ook al is het geen ‘actiefoto’ op de muur.” Website
After one week of coverage in all kinds of press media except for the Belgian press such as belclimb (only climb2climb mentioned it), the short jury video was viewed in less than 2 weeks more than 120.000 times. (KBF 14.000 views, I Love Climbing 134.000 views, Youtube 12.000, blog Celine 6.000 hits, etc.) Gazet Van Antwerpen picked the Youtube feed up on October 6. Thanks to alle friends and media who shared this feat.
Some great reactions on I Love Climbing:
Chris Young Kale you think this is some sorta frog human hybrid?
Chris Fitton We need to build this and I want that mutha fuckin record!!!
Dharma Mawan wow ,,,,, she is the real ”spider man”.
Aaron Rader Great feet – Tony Goodridge how can you tell in those shoes?
Martin Martgou I wish I was that tall.