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How Does Conflict and Agreement Affect Globalization Brainly

Globalization is the process of interconnectedness and interdependence between individuals, businesses, and countries across the world. It is characterized by the flow of information, money, and goods, creating a global economy and cultural exchange. Conflicts and agreements between countries have a significant impact on globalization, shaping its development and outcomes.

Conflicts can limit globalization by creating barriers to trade, investment, and communication. When countries engage in conflicts, they often impose trade sanctions and tariffs, making it difficult for businesses to operate and exchange goods and services. For instance, the U.S.-China trade war in 2018 led to tariffs on goods worth billions of dollars, causing a disruption in the global supply chain and affecting businesses worldwide. Additionally, conflicts can reduce the flow of information and communication across borders, limiting the spread of ideas and cultural understanding.

On the other hand, agreements can facilitate globalization by promoting free trade, investment, and cultural exchanges. The creation of international organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Union (EU) has enabled countries to negotiate trade deals that reduce tariffs and promote economic growth. Similarly, cultural exchange programs, like student exchange programs, have helped build bridges between countries, leading to a better understanding of different cultures.

Furthermore, agreements can contribute to reducing conflicts and increase the opportunities for globalization. For instance, the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015 by 195 countries aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. The agreement provides a framework for countries to work together, reducing tensions, and promoting cooperation on a global scale.

In conclusion, conflicts and agreements have a significant impact on globalization. While conflicts can limit globalization by creating barriers to trade, investments, and communication, agreements can facilitate globalization by promoting free trade, investment, and cultural exchanges. Therefore, it is essential for countries to work together to resolve conflicts and reach agreements that promote globalization and its positive outcomes.