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Company Issued Laptop Agreement Template

When it comes to providing employees with a company laptop, it`s important to have a clear agreement in place. A company issued laptop agreement template can help ensure that both the employee and the company are on the same page when it comes to expectations and responsibilities.

Here are some key elements to include in a company issued laptop agreement template:

1. Purpose: Start by outlining the purpose of the agreement, which is to establish the terms and conditions under which the employee will use the company-issued laptop.

2. Ownership: Specify that the laptop remains the property of the company and that the employee is borrowing it for work purposes only. Clarify that the employee does not have the right to sell, transfer, or give away the laptop.

3. Responsibilities: Outline the responsibilities of both the employee and the company. For example, the employee is responsible for keeping the laptop secure and in good condition, while the company is responsible for providing necessary updates and security software.

4. Acceptable Use: Specify what constitutes acceptable use of the laptop, including guidelines around internet and email usage, software installation, and data storage. It`s also important to include a section on prohibited activities, such as accessing inappropriate websites or downloading illegal content.

5. Consequences: Clearly outline the consequences for violating the terms of the agreement, such as disciplinary action or termination of employment.

6. Return of Laptop: Detail the process for returning the laptop to the company, whether that`s at the end of the employee`s tenure or if the laptop is no longer needed.

By using a company issued laptop agreement template, you can help ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of expectations and responsibilities. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or disputes down the line, and help your company maintain the security and integrity of its technology.