2nd Silver in Dornbirn
Nerves Creeping In When I get emotionally overwhelmed, I don’t really cry. My lips will start shaking and I get the feeling that I can’t really hold my smile anymore, but only my bottom lip does the quivering. I look at the people in front of me. People...

Tweede zilveren medaille
Op de tweede Europese bekerwedstrijd leadklimmen in het Oostenrijkste Dornbirn op zondag 11 juni haalde Celine meteen haar tweede zilveren medaille binnen bij de junioren. Met grote smile op het podium. Mooi t-shirtje gewonnen en een glazen plaketje voor op de kast....

Flying Like a Butterfly
This weekend was the best competition so far. It was also the first lead competition of the 2017 season. So it is easily to be deemed the best competition so far. But I guess it will stay the best competition for a while longer. It started Friday morning...

Zilver voor Celine
Zilveren medaille op de Europese bekerwedstrijd sportklimmen voor de jeugd in Imst (Oostenrijk).

Belgian Lead 2017
Op het Belgisch kampioenschap leadklimmen 2017 voor volwassenen in Klimax haalde Celine een verdiende tweede plaats na Anak Verhoeven. Laure-Anne Stevens vervolledigde het podium. 6 jaar geleden namen dezelfde meisjes in Stone Age hun Belgische beker in ontvangst....

BK Youth Arlon
Closing my eyes, I can barely remember last weekend. No not last, but the weekend before that. It’s a vague shape in my head. One final route and when I dig deeper in my memories I see two qualifications. So hard to remember when I’ve got studying to do. And so many other things you have to do. No time to think of the past. But now seems like the right time.

Krachttraining thuis
Na vijf maanden kracht- en bouldertraining – en daarna in speed tempo weerstandstraining – ben ik terug in vorm. Ik kan dus de doelgerichte voorbereiding voor het internationale leadseizoen starten. Ik stel nu samen met papa mijn eigen trainingsschema’s op.

Catalonia Training Camp
The Belgian lead climbing team went on a week-long training camp to Catalonia. To learn, train and create a stronger Belgian team. I learned a lot, not only about climbing, but also about friendship and I learned that being a Belgian doesn’t always require speaking French.

Second place in Lille
My former coach Didier had told me to go to this competition, but it was on a Sunday and that was the day I had to work. But it seemed as though the time schedule changed so on that Sunday I didn’t have to work. I only knew this a week before the competition, so I prepared myself and went to Lille.